Where a working farm and an environmental project work hand in hand
Between 1995 and 2002 the previous owners of Dingo Bend carried out extensive land, creek repair and re-vegetation works.
A perpetual registered property agreement on the riparian creek area was implemented before the property was sold to current owners Ross and Elissa Elphick in February 2003.
A continuous riparian strip of approximately 20 hectares has been created and fenced off from the rest of the property, comprising coastal rainforest, a pristine creek and four wildlife corridors. It now provides a wildlife habitat and a future seed source of plants indigenous to this area that were used during the regeneration process.
You may ask whether an agricultural enterprise can co-exist with an environmental project? At Dingo Bend, we’ve proved that they can. The result is an idyllic ambience for the entire property which is often remarked upon by visitors when purchasing their replacement breeding stock.
However, what many overlook is the work and resources required to maintain this area free from roaming cattle and environmental weeds.
During the past 20 years we have spent at least one day every week with the assistance of Qualified Bush Regenerators (Rod Rixon/Chris Scott, Sustainable Natural Resources Group) and the Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife/NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust (funding grants) maintaining this area.
It is extremely hard work hand weeding an area this size. It’s continuous too: as soon as you finish the area once you have to start at the beginning again.
However, the benefits to the Dingo Bend property are enormous, and the comments that “this property has a nice feel” to it are very rewarding.