Our aim is simple: to bring the same kind of cattle to market we would want to buy ourselves.
Advantages of purchasing from Dingo Bend Angus include:
- Dingo Bend has a veterinary advisor farm biosecurity plan and an assurance score of J-BAS 7 (Last negative test March 31st 2023).
- You are welcome to inspect the herd in their own environment, so there’s no saleyard stress for you or the cattle.
- Quality Angus genetics are available in your local Mid-North Coast environment, minimising the risk of bringing animals from “over the range” which are not acclimatised to ticks, theileriosis, three day sickness, coastal pastures and weeds.
- Our cattle are quality grass-fed only.
- Being a small closed and self replacing herd, only the best bulls are selected for sale.
- Quiet, well handled cattle which are familiar with people, dogs, bikes etc.
- Competitively priced and good value for money when seeking replacement breeding bulls and females.
- Full animal treatment history available, so you know exactly what you are purchasing.
- All our Bulls are guaranteed, veterinary checked and semen tested, so you know that they will do the job when you take them home.
- All cattle have been drenched (rotation with oral and pour on), vaccinated regularly (7 in 1 / Botulism) and bulls twice for Vibriosis.
- All registered bulls are either Free or Free Untested of all currently identified recessive gene conditions within the Angus breed (AM, NH, CA, DD) (see link to Angus Australia for more information about recessive genetic conditions).
- All cattle are either parent verified or sire verified and HD50K Genomic tested.
- All Bulls and sale Heifers have been independently structurally assessed by Bob Dent, of Bob Dent Cattle Services.
- All cattle offered for sale are registered with Angus Australia which makes checking their details online easy.
- All registered cattle are tattooed for lifetime identification and all cattle have been yard weaned and educated.
- All cattle are transferred through the NLIS database when sold.
- All cattle will be transferred through the Angus Society when sold if mutually agreed and applicable.
Dingo Bend is a European Union accredited property, a member of Angus Australia and Angus Australia TACE.